Friday, July 29, 2011

Beach in a Jar

Again one more project for my DD. Beach in a Jar, Just convert a glass jar look like a beach with sand, sea shells, weeds, and other collectible u can find. Also I need to draw the layers of the ocean and label it. It was lot of work collecting everything, but it was fun. The tedious job is, I had to rinse the sand to make it clear, otherwise it was muddy and not see through.

I filled the jar with Sand, water, sea shells, some rocks, pebbles, weed(instead of weed, I used moss), a little floating shark.  

Finally I sketched a picture using pencil with my own imagination J and labeled it.
Hmmmmmm All DONE!!!

Office Picnic - Groovy 60s

Last week was the Office Picnic and I was delegated for decorations & design.  The theme was Groovy 60 -70s . So I created some funny protests like posters which I used to decorate to make the event groovy and colorful. Used lots of Peace Symbols, smilies, Hearts, Lava lamps, Disco lights for decoration. I collected Groovy pictures of co-workers and hanged them.
Here are the couple of posters I created for the decoration

Many of us dressed in hippy attire for the contest on that day. Guess What, I received the groovy prize of the contest. U know how? it was a lucky drawing from the names list and I was called to pick one name. To everybody’s surprise I picked my name as the lucky winner.. hahhahahah That’s huw I got the groovy prize & juz have a look @ it :-)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

B'day Special

I got one more chance to make another Jewelry piece. It was my friend Gayathri’s Special big B’day on July 1st. She also joined the club of 30’s.
Jewelry set was little different from my first one. I started from the Scratch and spent almost 4-5 hours to finish. I am glad that she liked it and it was beautiful too when she wore it next day. The Pearls inbetween the Maroon Glass beads added more classy look.